Thursday, August 23, 2012

while you were sleeping.....

It sounds creepy right? Its not. Okay, well maybe a little. Something strange has been happening lately and I know every reason why. The strange thing is that I am nocturnal. I have been doing this thing lately where I stay up all night (literally) and then sleep all day long! I promise it is not on purpose but regardless, it keeps happening. My reasoning is that I am usually a busy body to the extreme. I go go go go go and I sleep whenever I get the chance which usually ends up being about 5 hours a night if I am lucky. But, this seven week break has been teaching me a new lifestyle called L.a.z.y.n.e.s.s. It is fantastic and horrible all at the same time. It is fantastic because it has been really good for me to slow down, take some time for myself, smell the roses, ponder my life, <watch t.v.>, you know, all that good stuff! :) In all reality it has helped me get to know myself better and it has been very good for me in a lot of ways. The one thing that is not so good is that I apparently am not working hard enough to be tired enough to sleep at night! I have been working about 20-30 hours a week at Red Robin which leaves me 138-148 hours to spend the rest of the week! That is a bunch of extra hours! Don't worry, I am trying not to waist them all. I will post later about some of the things I have been up to over this break but I will start with my most recent which is.......(picture this next part like the price is right) a brand new jewelry holder! If you don't already know that I love jewelery, you don't know me well enough because I really do! I love earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, headbands, and ,well, anything that sparkles or accessorizes! One problem that I have been trying to combat lately is an organized way to keep all of it. You are now entering the crafty portion of my blog... read on at your own risk because I am no professional. So like most things, it all started with an idea in my head. A door. Yes, a door is a great way to organize jewelery don't you think? My first step was easy, I found a plain white door at my sister's house (they are remodeling, it is not a usual thing to find random door just hanging around at my sibling's homes). Next I picked out some paint colors and got to work. I would not call myself creative, but I am pretty proud of my little designs on this door. The next step was the hardest part, finding hooks {and other things} to put the jewelery on. Here are some pics of the finished product and as you hear what the things are I hope you are impressed with my innovative ideas.

My work place/the hallway. I hope my parents didn't wake up to the sound of me drilling until 3:30am! I guess we will see in the morning. 
The brown hooks are decorative hooks that I bought at Mini Bazaar, but like everything else there, they were super expensive so I didn't want to buy a lot! I did get a couple though, obviously.
I think this is the one and only time in my life that I will be thankful that I have chubby fingers because my rings fit over the knobs on the hooks!

You are seeing things right! This is indeed a curtain rod! I thought it would be perfect for the bracelets!  

This one kills me! I walked around craft stores forever trying to find the cheapest thing that could fit into my small college budget and I found wooden wheels! You know like the ones they would use on pine wood derby cars or something. Then I just gave them a quick paint job. (I still need to paint the screw heads). When I got this far I showed my mom the progress and she asked me what I was going to do about all the brown smudges and damaged edges. hahaha parents these days! :) I think that she was a little disgusted that I put them there on purpose!

 My next dilemma: what to do with the earrings.
As I walked through the stores I spotted this and got a fantastic idea!

I got the frame at the D.I for $2! It used to be brown and it came with a picture of President Hinkley in it. {I loved that man!} At the end of the day (or night since it is 6am now) I got what I was looking for. Don't assume I did this all at once though, it was spread out over a l.o.n.g. time. I love the bright colors and hopefully Kim's jewelery can fit on here too if I end up hauling this up to college! I just have to say that I am grateful that I have parents who will put up with my noisiness at all hours of the day and night. I better get to sleep because in the morning my mom and I are going to UTAH! :) This experience has taught me a lot and one of those things is that blogs are difficult! This is probably really low quality but I will work on that! Thanks for reading! -love shay  


1 comment:

  1. Shay! It looks so awesome! I love all the different things you used to hang your jewelry. You're so cool.
