Thursday, August 23, 2012

like yesterday

"Isn't it funny how day to day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different." -C.S. Lewis

I fell like this quote describes me to a T. Every single day seems just like yesterday but of course things are changing faster than we can even recognize. This blog has been inedible for a couple of weeks now and I have just been waiting for the perfect time to start it and this lucky moment just happened to claim it! :) 

A little about me: I am going to school at BYU-I to get my Bachelor's in exercise physiology. I officially have 3 semesters left so unless something goes terribly wrong I will have my Bachelor's degree by this time next year! {AAAHHHHH!} Then my plan is to get my Master's in Occupational Therapy. I am going to shadow an OC this Monday so I will be sure to give an update on my thoughts of pursuing that career. This is my seven week break and trust me I am milking it for all it is worth! I am working at Red Robin as a server right now {tips are the greatest thing ever}. I LOVE being with my friends and family and doing just about anything that will make me laugh. I have the best friends in the whole entire world and I love them dearly! I am full of energy and always ready to have a good time. So if your about to do something me first! (p.s. if anyone wants to take me boating in the next couple weeks, please do!) I am starting to get into photography and making videos [just a little bit] when I have time. I am not very good yet, so don't judge. The videos are much much more entertaining if you know the people in them, but I laugh every time I watch them and I hope that you do too!

the reason: 
There is this joke that if you are a mormon girl and hit the age of twenty and are still single you have 2 choices: buy a cat to start your destined life of being a lonely old cat lady
....or.....start a blog.
The truth is that I am not a big fan of cats so I chose option number two! Actually, that is not the real reason at all! I am in no hurry what so ever to get married and even if I am 99 years old I promise you I will never [EVER] buy a cat!

the real reasons:
1. One of my best friends moved to Arizona and this is the perfect way for us to stay updated on each others lives
2. Some of my family lives far away :/ (so i hope they read it)
3. This is kind of like keeping a journal (which I like to do) but a little less personal
4. In my head I picture posting things on facebook like walking into a big giant room full of people and just saying something out loud, you aren't even talking to anyone specifically, you just kind of made a statement.... weird right? Not very effective communicating in my opinion. I am not against fb, I love sharing pictures and writing messages and stuff but I think a blog is a better way to share what is on my mind. 

Truthfully I am not very good at keeping up with stuff like this, especially when I am in school. Therefore, I will probably not have the details of my day to day life on here, but I might. We will just have to see. :) Kim Cooper and Danielle Bingham already started blogs [yes, I am a copy cat], so if you follow them that will also be a fantastic way to keep up with me. I am also not sure what I will put on here when I do post, possibly funny things, crafty things, crazy things, spiritual things, goals, or maybe just plain boring things. I guess it will just be a surprise every time you look. 
-I hope that you enjoy my interpretation of this silly life. 
love shay 

1 comment:

  1. Umm...first of all-- I LOVE you! Second of all-- THAT QUOTE!!'s awesome.
